Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Clear Character Aneira Pouch - The Styled Magnolia Pattern Testing

I've really enjoyed having a little extra space in my schedule where I can fit in more pattern testing and fabric promotion, especially if it's pushing me out of my comfort zone to use some of my stash! I love how the clear vinyl looks, but for the longest time there were barely any good patterns to use it. The Styled Magnolia is really knocking it out of the park with all their new patterns lately, and the Aneira Pouch is another cute and fast one that can be made with either clear vinyl or regular vinyl! 

I should have put something inside, to make the characters really pop...

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

WIP Tuesday - Snowy and Cold to Balmy and Beautiful!

I really shouldn't be surprised that February is a bipolar month - cold and full of snow for a few days, then nice and gorgeous the next few days! I'm ready for winter to be over, and only have nice days, but then we hit the 'too hot to move' summer... I do love curling up on the couch with a soft blanket, my dogs, and a book, but I pretty much do that year round. It's just in the winter that the dogs come in covered in snow and try to snuggle with me and those are usually some cold and wet paws and faces! If I'm sewing when they come back inside, they like to run to the sewing room, still wet and cold, and sit on my bare feet. Or, they come in covered in mud and tracking paw prints all over. Thanks, guys. 

My nap buddies

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Supernatural Sawyer Satchel Bag - Knitorious Fabric and Cloudsplitter Designs

Messenger bags are one of the most basic style of bags I make, but I still buy different patterns to get the features I want. For the amazing fabric from Knitorious Fabric, I knew I wanted something with straps, or 'manly' looking, not just a basic bag. I found the Sawyer Satchel and it had everything I wanted: cool accent straps, pockets, more pockets, a zipper to close it, and good sized! 

Just hanging out on a ledge

Monday, February 17, 2025

Thursday, February 13, 2025

WIP Thursday - Piling Up

 I don't think it's gotten THAT much busier, but it seems like the work is starting to pile up! Or maybe it is just the mental load of all that I want to do, plus the pattern testing and fabric promos coming in right after each other! Either way, I'm grateful for a long weekend and time to relax and catch up on things.  Or just read for 3 days straight...which I have been known to do. 

The newly released Quinn Wallet, I'll be blogging it soon!

Thursday, February 6, 2025

WIP Thursday - Keeping on Track

In some ways, I'm a little sad that things aren't as hectic "can't catch up" busy as usual, but in other ways, it's kind of nice to have enough time to do the extra projects and take a breather every now and then! I have only 2 orders on the table right now, plus some fabric coming in this week to promote. I might finally get around to some deep cleaning of the craft room! I keep talking about it, and then somehow another week flies by without me doing a destash or organizing...

Random dice tray I threw on the machine for fun

Monday, February 3, 2025

Flappy Duncan Messenger Sling - Snow Willow Designs Fabric and Sincerely Jen Patterns

The lesson I learned with this project was, 'don't give me an excessive amount of time to prepare' because I will STILL procrastinate until the last minute. I've had the String Theory Funky Bunch 2: Electric Boogaloo fabric since last year, and it took me forever to settle on a pattern, then even longer to cut out all the pieces! Once I started sewing, it wasn't too bad (except for midnight sewing where I was THISCLOSE to attaching the gusset upside-down!) and I'm really glad it's finished! 

I'm pretending the wrinkles add character, which is the justification I give for not ironing my clothes...