Thursday, June 20, 2024

WIP Thursday - The List is Shrinking!

I feel like I'm getting caught up and might even get ahead on orders...but it's more likely something else will come up and I'll lose a week of sewing time. Either way, I've opened up slots for new orders in my group this week! If I magically finish all my orders and have free time, I guess that means I'll have to start cleaning, or maybe just work on the pile of prepped crayon rolls, moondance notebook holders, and random UFO's I have...

A fun little notebook!

Friday, June 14, 2024

WIP Friday - Summertime!

 In the summer I go between melting in a puddle of sweat and having the urge to make ALL THE THINGS! No in-between. Today is an ALL THE THINGS day, probably because this week was overwhelming with a lot of waiting around and not very productive... or maybe it was because I got in almost a full 8 hours of sleep! I'm debating on doing a summer show, mainly on the fence because it's a "thrifted" market, but they will have new things for sale there too. And it's inside, which is a bonus since this week we reached 102 degrees and the weather has been either super hot, or super windy. Sometimes both at the same time...but the majority of my stuff is geared toward cold weather/holiday gifting. Although hooded towels would be handy at the pool, and the flat doodles are great for car trips...and if I could get a stockpile of the H2O bags sewn up, they might be good sellers...I keep talking myself into and out of doing it LOL!

Definitely been needing second coffee lately!

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Floral Stripes Universal Add on Wallet Panel - ChrisW Designs Pattern Testing (and a Hack)

Sometimes you need extra features on a purse or tote bag, and the new release from ChrisW Designs is a GREAT way to add in more pockets and features to any bag! The Universal Add on Wallet Panel can be added directly to your lining (or outside) during the construction of your purse, I started doing mine without any bag in mind, so I hacked it to be a stand alone clutch.

The pretty vinyl kind of disguises all the features

Friday, June 7, 2024

WIP Friday - Already June?

June is already flying by and I have SO MUCH I need to get done quickly! Orders are starting to stack up, tests and strike fabric came in all at once, and life got pretty hectic for a few weeks. I'm hoping that things are starting to slow down again, so I can squeeze in some fun sewing and stay on top of deadlines.  I really planned on doing more destash listings last month since I'm still about to be buried alive in fabric!

Fun new bookmark from SB Stitching!

Monday, June 3, 2024

Pride Plaid Samaren Shoulder Bag (Snow Willow Designs Fabric, Lavender & Twine)

The newest fabric round from Snow Willow Designs is a GORGEOUS Pride plaid! The colors are drawn from the various pride flags, but even if you aren't familiar with them, they are just amazing color combos and make a very pretty fabric. I honestly love the colors on so many of them! Even better, Snow Willow Designs is a LGBTQIA+ owned company, and 10% of sales will be donated in equal amounts to The Trevor Project, PFLAG, and The National Center for Transgender Equality. 

One of the fanciest bags I've made!

Fabric this pretty needed a fancy purse pattern to go with it! The Samaren Shoulder Bag from Lavender & Twine fit the bill perfectly!