Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Deadpool Phoenix Billfold Wallet (XOXO by Lauren)

This one I had to wait until after Father's Day to share since it was a gift!  It shipped with the Floral Wars Connie's Wristlet, so I figured I should share them both together!
This fabric is so fun!
Fabric is a toss, so it's not all right side up!
The Phoenix features 2 different Deadpool fabrics:  the exterior one is from Moonbeam and the card slots are made with fabric from Affordable Fabrics and More.  The exterior features the 'clean' version of Moonbeam's fabric, since it was a gift from the kids, that seemed a little more appropriate!
The folding on the Phoenix is a little different, so I didn't quite get everything lined up how I hoped...but I do like the center Deadpools!
I left off the exterior zipper pocket again, and it's a fast project!  
Inside money pocket
The fabric version is lightweight and can squish, but with cards and cash inside, it will definitely hold the shape!
Entire order
This was the order that kept growing, but fortunately they were all fast items and I got them shipped in time!  There was the clutch, wallet, inhaler case, zippered change keychain, and an ID badge holder!  I really need to make more badge holders with all my fun vinyl!  Right now I'm only doing them through custom orders, but maybe I'll try to stockpile a few and offer them on Etsy.

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