Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Feelings NCW (Emmaline Bags) and Zip ID pouch

Sometimes it's super easy to find great fabric for a fandom...and sometimes it's super hard! There is surprising not that much available for the Inside Out movie, and what little I was finding wasn't that great. Finally, I tracked down two fun fabrics from Oh So Pretty Fabrics, and this adorable Necessary Clutch Wallet was born!

Both fabrics are really fun!

Front view, opened up

A green marbled print gives contrast and keeps it interesting!

I haven't shared a lot of the NCW I've made, since most are just clones for my Etsy shop...but this one looks so pretty and fun I couldn't resist!

Back view, lots of great details in the fabric!

In my searching, I found an amazing Joy zipper, and it had to be in gold, obviously! I can't remember which hardware shop I found it in, since I made this one a while ago.

This order also had a small ID wallet add on, in the VB style (ID goes inside the wallet and shows on the outside. I'm pretty sure this one was done with my own hacked pattern, but I did eventually find a 'real' pattern that had a slightly better way to close the inside.

I feel like the inside ID is much more secure, but it takes me longer to make than the simple ones with a clear pocket on the outside.

Inside, the pouch has 2 sections, so you can stick the ID on one side and your cards/cash on the other.

Looking down at the divider
I don't really stock much gold hardware, so this one got rainbow connectors, which actually matches the fabric nicely, and then I went for a rainbow Joy to match.
That might be a green zipper, or just a small piece of a rainbow one...I really can't remember!
I am hoping this is the year I have time to make a bunch more samples of the NCW for my Etsy shop, they are super popular and I have so many fabrics that would look great on them!

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