Friday, January 4, 2019

2019 Crafter Resolutions

Resolutions are good because they make you examine your life and what you think you want to change, but the best ones are the ones you might actually keep...I'm pleasantly surprised that I did actually do a few of last years!  I'd love to hear your goals and resolutions for this year, maybe we can inspire each other!
One of the things I need to add to my list since I stocked up on this style of hardware!

For yarn:

  • Finally organize my stash
  • Use up at least 20 skeins of said stash (I'd say half but I'm trying to be realistic, and I have NO idea how much yarn I have!) 
    • C2C scrapghan 
    • cowls/hats/amigurumi
  • Finish a crochet UFO every other month.  Pre-req of this resolution is FINDING all my yarn UFO's...
  • No new yarn purchases until after a UFO is finished, unless it's needed for an order!


  • Organize sewing studio 
    • clean up the random piles
    • destash fabric I don't love and won't be able to sew for purses
I have some really interesting fabric in my stash...
  • Finish at least one UFO every month
  • Organize hardware and label containers or keep inventory track so I know when I'm running low on 1" sliders or 1.5" clasps!
  • Organize all my snaps into containers, instead of bags inside other bags
  • Clean out supplies I have no use for and have had for over a year (why did I buy suspender clips???)


  • Build up a stockpile of the most popular items from last year so I can ship faster
  • Start on orders right away so I'm not racing the shipping deadline trying to finish before midnight so I can print the label with the correct day.


A before craft show picture, and I didn't even get half of those cut out!
  • Stitch out 3-4 new patterns every month.  Being realistic because while I have enough to do a new one every day, I know I won't have that kind of time!
  • Cut out at least one stitched sheet every week.  My pile is getting out of control!  
  • Add new items to Etsy and/or the Facebook group

Crafting in general:

  • Scrapbook - need to catch up on my Oldest's book since she's graduating high school this year!
  • Organize scrapbook supplies
  • learn how to use my new scan and cut so it doesn't just collect dust


 Last year's resolutions...I did some of them!

Organize my craft studio 

  • put all fabric on comic book boards (ordered a few hundred more) - I got a lot on, but still have sooo much more and no shelves to hold it
  • clear out fabric I no longer love (destash groups) - Ongoing process
  • put together another cubicle (been staring at it for a few months now, still in the box)
  • move fabric tubs for fleece and flannel downstairs (rarely seem to use them and that's where they lived in the old house)
  • work on getting all my hardware into one area/sorted by size
  • hang up pegboard (needs spacers and then holes drilled
  • hang up whiteboard (need to find some nails or screws that fit in the built in holes)

2. Sew at least one of my 'never been sewn' patterns every month from my stash

  • I have a ton of purse patterns I bought on sale and haven't had a chance to try out yet
  •  Even more embroidery patterns in my stash...I should aim for 1 new stitch out every week, along with finishing items to list on the new etsy shop
  • As I lose weight, then I'll try some of my clothing patterns...but that will take a bit longer.

3. Finish UFO's/WISP (work in slow progress)

  • at least 1 UFO/WIP a month, along with listing on Etsy or gifting
  • crochet projects - either finish or frog any I run across in my cleaning

4. Quilts

  • Finally make my kids the pokemon quilts I promised them last year (or was it the year before? They still like it, so all good)
  • Try the Legendary quilt pattern (I NEED a Bigfoot quilt in my life!)

5. Etsy

  • Move all the listings to the new shop:
  • Build up on hand stock through the summer so that when September/October/November rolls around I'm not scrambling to meet orders and do custom orders and make costumes for the kids and do Christmas presents...Well, I tried...
  • List new items at least 2x per month after the original listings are done (hopefully part of the finish WIPs and trying some of my other patterns!)

Non-craft related:


  • Get my book published, either through an agent or self published (deadline of July to find an agent before I start the self published route) -  Time to start the self publishing process, just haven't had spare time!
  • Finish another book (either the second one, or go for something completely different) - Still on the first draft of the second book, going to need a LOT of editing
  • Submit short stories to sci-fi magazines (at least 3) 


  • get some- I tried...but it feels like wasted time!  Of course now that I try to get to work at 6 am, I am getting to bed before midnight most nights...

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