Tuesday, August 30, 2016

At Loose Ends...

I just finished up a sort of secret project, and other than my GIANT list of half finished and un-started projects, I have nothing I NEED to do right now.  I mean I should start cleaning and organizing, but where's the fun in that?? 
Cotton + Steel fabric is so cool!  Bears with metallic gold party hats and bows?!?!

Instead, I think I need to browse my fabric for some inspiration.  I need some good projects that will use up a lot of fabric...but will be quick!  Maybe another quilt needs to be on the list, but with larger blocks so I can get it done quickly...Or some simple totes with fun embroidery...  I'm sure I'll find something to fill my time!
I have a stash of this Legend of Zelda fabric that I need to finally cut into...
Doesn't everyone have a shelf of fox fabrics?
Lots of nerdy goodness

More fun fabrics, might have shared them before?
And I need to start stocking up on stuff for craft shows and Christmas time... but I've heard about this thing called 'sleep' and I think I might need to try that out too...Nah.  Anyway, since I can't share my latest finished projects (yet!), here's some pretty fabric.  Anyone have any ideas what I should make next?   
Birds and music notes, a pretty fabric that I have no idea what to do with it...
A shelf of my favorites - sloths, Doctor Who, Buckingham Palace guards, Mario...
Random fabric on another shelf

Fun Fabric that could be either astronomical charts for space, or maybe Galifreyian writing...

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