Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Firefly Ellen's Esplanade (ChrisW Designs) and NCW (Emmaline)

The Ellen's Esplanade from ChrisW Designs is a roomy bag with some fun features! Pair it with a Necessary clutch wallet from Emmaline Bags and you have a great set!

Getting the best images on each side was my focus, instead of pattern matching. Limited fabric makes it harder to match!
Hanging up, keeps the shape nicely!

The outside of this bag has 2 BIG pockets on the end that are also the strap connectors, which gives it a fun look! 
With the strap pulled up, it keeps the pocket pretty secure!

At rest, easy to get inside the end pockets
Inside I used the Pocket Supplement A. It gives a lot more organization without taking up a lot of space! The other side has a zipper pocket.
I love how fancy this pocket set looks, plus so roomy!

BIG zipper pocket
Of course I had to use Serenity zipper pulls from Level Up Designs. They opened up for preorder while the bag was on my list, and it was worth the wait for the perfect accent!

It's flying out of the bag
This awesome Serenity fabric from Knits and Giggles/Fabric Stache, which are no longer around, but I have LOTS more Firefly fabric in my collection!

Pretty sure this is the other side, they both ended up looking very similar

The Ellen's Esplanade has a lot of room inside, perfect for a NCW! I don't do separate posts for the Necessary Clutch Wallets anymore because I've made SO MANY of them that I figure everyone would get tired of seeing them.

I love the swing lock

It almost looks tiny in there!

This one has double zip pockets inside, and more of the Serenity zipper pulls. I also matched the lining fabrics on the purse and wallet!

I tried to get as many of the images on it as I could

Lots of storage!

Awesome zippers

Maybe someday I'll have some spare time and will whip up a bunch of NCW to offer at shows and on Etsy...but for now, spare time is harder to find than a unicorn! 

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