Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Toothless Road Trip Wallet

We have a strong love for dragons in this house, and I have a surprisingly small stash for that love!  Since the hoard of dragon fabric is so small, I'm always reluctant to cut into it, but I made an exception this time!
Doesn't everyone need an adorable dragon to guard their money?
Top, showing the 3 zipper compartments!
I love the mystery boxes that come out and was so happy to be able to sew for a handmade fandom one!  This is a really personalized box, so I only had to make 5 items, but one of them was the Road Trip Wallet from Emmaline Bags.  I first got this pattern from a Bag of the Month club, and after finally making one earlier this year, I was ready to offer them in my FaceBook group!
Unfortunately Toothless will be hidden by the ID, but he certainly looks adorable in the meantime!!
This is another large version, which holds a ton of cards, has 2 bill length zipper pockets and a smaller change zippered pocket in the center with clear ID slot.  There are sooo many pieces to cut, but as long as you keep them labeled and pay attention, it's not really a hard pattern.  Except for the pieces.  Many, many pieces.  I stopped counting at 40.  That may have included the interfacing, but I've kind of blocked it out.  I'd definitely make it again tho because once you finally have everything cut out, it just flows together!
Inside zipper pocket flipped to the other side

Since the dragon fabric is a cotton lycra, it's a little thicker and not as 'crisp' as a woven fabric so I decided not to make the entire wallet out of it (especially not the card slots!) but I did have a perfect match in my stash!  I really love how the grey lining makes the colors pop!
All together, but each went off to different people. I hope they enjoyed the surprise!
The other items I made were some of my teeny backpacks and a card holder.  The rainbow fabric dragons fit almost perfectly on them! 
Each backpack has a different colored zipper, fun way to use up my stash!
Backs, with another dragon peeking out

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