Monday, April 1, 2019

Ouija Annette - Swoon

Sometimes I buy fabric because it's unique and catches my eye...and then it ends up being perfect for a customer!
It's really close in color to my usual stair shots so I had to try new locations!

See? The stairs ended up in focus and not the purse...don't stare too long, it messes with your head.
The Annette by Swoon (affiliate link) was great for showcasing this quirky and fun fabric!  Metallic gold vinyl really gives it an eye-catching quality, and the Tula Pink bats inside were a great finishing touch for this spooky bag!
Tula Pink Bats, perfect lining!
The hardest part about this bag was finding good hardware to coordinate.  I usually don't have gold on hand because when I started most gold hardware would flake and chip almost immediately.  Now there are so many good options, but I haven't built up a stockpile...yet.  Of course, the gold I DID have on hand was a totally different shade than the gold metallic vinyl, so it didn't matter anyway.  Then I had the brilliant idea of using black hardware for the connectors (that I found in my stash even!) and was on my way. 
Ok, did have to attack them and remove the slider piece, but that was fast and easy!
Of course I didn't check to see if I had every piece I needed in black, which of course I didn't.  I did find some gorgeous rainbow rivets, and rainbow zipper tape, so it just gives the bag more interest!  (that's what I'm going with. Interest, not eclectic. yeah, sounds good)
Rainbow zipper!
Why yes, I DO have rainbow zipper ends...doesn't everyone?
I LOVE these rivets, too bad they are a lot more expensive than plain ones...but worth it!
I even remembered to use a Handmade label, also in the rainbow!
the rivets aren't all the same, but it makes it prettier in my opinion
 The gold vinyl was really hard to get a true picture and my camera apparently didn't want to focus on the bag, so I only got a few good shots before I sent it off to the customer.  I thought I checked the pictures first, but I guess not! 
I even remembered to put my Tiger tag on it, woo!

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